Complaints Policy 

Patient Complaints Procedure (Wales)

It is our aim to always have satisfied patients, to meet your expectations of care and service and to resolve any complaints as efficiently, effectively and politely as possible. We take complaints very seriously, investigating them in a full and fair way and take great care to protect your confidentiality. We learn from complaints to improve our care and service. We will never discriminate against patients who have made a complaint and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this procedure.

If you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our care or service, please let us know as soon as possible to allow us to address your concerns promptly. We accept complaints made verbally as well as written complaints. If you do not feel you can raise a complaint about your NHS service directly with us, you can address your complaint directly to the local Health Board (Swansea Bay University health Board, One Talbot Gateway, Baglan Energy Park, Port Talbot, SA12 7BR, 01639 683316).

Sharon Davies is the Complaints Manager and will be your personal contact to assist you with any complaints. If your verbal complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction within 24 hours or if you complain in writing, the Complaints Manager will acknowledge it in writing within 2 working days and will aim to provide a full response in writing within 30 working days.

You can send your complaints to 61 New Road, Skewen, Neath, SA10 6HA , call us on  01792 814734  or email the Complaints Manager on .

If the Complaints Manager is unavailable, we will take brief details about the complaint and will arrange for a meeting when it is suitable for you and the practice. We will keep comprehensive and confidential records of your complaint, which will be stored securely and only be accessible by those who need to know about your complaint. If the complaint investigation takes longer than anticipated, the Complaints Manager will contact you at least every ten working days to keep you informed of the reason for any delays, the progress of the investigation and the proposed date it will be completed.

When the investigation has been completed, you will be informed of its outcome in writing. We will make our response clear, addressing each of your concerns as best as we can. You will also be invited to a meeting to discuss the results and any practical solutions that we can offer to you. These solutions could include replacing treatment, refunding fees paid, referring you for specialist treatments or other solutions that meet your needs and resolve the complaint.
We regularly analyse patient complaints to learn from them and to improve our services. That’s why we always welcome your feedback, comments, suggestions and complaints. If you are dissatisfied with our response to a complaint you can take the matter further, please see the contacts below.

For private dental treatment you can contact the GDC private dental complaints service within 12 months of the treatment or within 12 months of becoming aware of the issue by calling 020 8253 0800 or visiting
If you feel that the practice isn’t meeting it’s duties regarding the Welsh language you can raise your concern with the Welsh Language Commissioner by calling 0845 6033 221 or visiting

If you would like support or advice regarding your NHS complaint you can contact the local Llais team by calling 01639 683490. If you are still unhappy about your NHS complaint, you can contact The Ombudsman for Wales by calling 0300 790 0203 or visiting You can also contact Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) who is the independent inspectorate and regulator of all healthcare in Wales by calling 0300 062 8163. You can also write to them at: Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, Welsh Government, Rhydycar Business Park CF48 1UZ.

The General Dental Council is responsible for regulating all dental professionals. You can complain using their online form at contact them on or by calling 020 7167 6000.

 Sept 24

Gweithdrefn Cwynion Cleifion (Cymru)

Ein nod ni bob amser yw cael cleifion bodlon, bodloni eich disgwyliadau gofal a gwasanaeth, a datrys unrhyw gwynion mor effeithlon, effeithiol a chwrtais â phosib. Mae cwynion yn peri pryder mawr i ni ac rydym yn ymchwilio iddynt, mewn ffordd lawn a theg, ac yn cymryd llawer o ofal i warchod eich cyfrinachedd. Rydym yn dysgu oddi wrth gwynion er mwyn gwella ein gofal a’n gwasanaeth. Ni fyddwn yn gwahaniaethu yn erbyn cleifion sydd wedi gwneud cwyn a byddwn yn hapus i ateb unrhyw gwestiynau yr hoffech o bosib eu codi ynglÅ·n â’r weithdrefn hon.
Os nad ydych yn gwbl fodlon gydag unrhyw agwedd ar ein gofal neu ein gwasanaeth, cofiwch roi gwybod i ni cyn gynted â phosib os gwelwch yn dda, fel ein bod yn gallu rhoi sylw i’ch pryderon yn brydlon. Rydym yn derbyn cwynion ar lafar yn ogystal â chwynion ysgrifenedig. Os nad ydych yn teimlo bod posib i chi fynegi cwyn am wasanaeth y GIG yn uniongyrchol i ni, gallwch gwyno’n uniongyrchol i’r Bwrdd Iechyd lleol (Swansea Bay University health Board, One Talbot Gateway, Baglan Energy Park, Port Talbot, SA12 7BR, 01639 683316).

Sharon Davies yw’r Rheolwr Cwynion a’ch cyswllt personol chi i’ch helpu gydag unrhyw gwynion. Os na chaiff eich cwyn lafar ei datrys er boddhad i chi o fewn 24 awr, neu os ydych wedi cwyno’n ysgrifenedig, bydd y Rheolwr Cwynion yn eich cydnabod yn ysgrifenedig o fewn 2 ddiwrnod gwaith ac wedyn bydd yn ceisio darparu ymateb llawn yn ysgrifenedig o fewn 30 diwrnod gwaith.
Gallwch anfon eich cwynion i 61 New Road, Skewen, Neath, SA10 6HA , ein ffonio ar  01792 814734  neu anfon e-bost at y Rheolwr Cwynion yn .

Os nad yw’r Rheolwr Cwynion ar gael, byddwn yn cymryd manylion cryno am y gŵyn ac yn trefnu cyfarfod ar adeg sy’n addas i chi ac i’r practis. Byddwn yn cadw cofnodion cynhwysfawr a chyfrinachol am eich cwyn a byddant yn cael eu cadw’n ddiogel ac ar gael i’r rhai sydd angen gwybod am eich cwyn yn unig. Os bydd yr ymchwiliad i’ch cwyn yn cymryd mwy o amser na’r disgwyl, bydd y Rheolwr Cwynion yn cysylltu â chi o leiaf bob deg diwrnod gwaith i roi gwybodaeth gyson i chi am y rheswm dros unrhyw oedi, am gynnydd yr ymchwiliad, ac am y dyddiad arfaethedig ar gyfer ei gwblhau.

Pan fydd yr ymchwiliad wedi’i gwblhau, byddwch yn cael gwybod am y canlyniad yn ysgrifenedig. Byddwn yn gwneud ein hymateb yn glir, gan roi sylw i bob un o’ch pryderon cystal ag y gallwn. Byddwch hefyd yn cael gwahoddiad i gyfarfod i drafod y canlyniadau ac unrhyw ddatrysiadau ymarferol y gallwn eu cynnig i chi. Gallai’r datrysiadau hyn gynnwys cyfnewid triniaeth, ad-dalu ffioedd sydd wedi’u talu, eich cyfeirio i gael triniaethau arbennig neu ddatrysiadau eraill sy’n diwallu eich anghenion ac yn datrys y gŵyn.
Rydym yn dadansoddi cwynion cleifion yn rheolaidd er mwyn dysgu oddi wrthynt ac er mwyn gwella ein gwasanaethau. Dyma pam rydym bob amser yn croesawu eich adborth, eich sylwadau, eich awgrymiadau a’ch cwynion. Os ydych yn anfodlon gyda’n hymateb i gŵyn, mae croeso i chi fynd â’r mater ymhellach. Gweler y manylion cysylltu isod.
Manylion Cysylltu
Ar gyfer triniaethau deintyddol preifat, gallwch gysylltu â gwasanaeth cwynion deintyddol preifat y Cyngor Deintyddol Cyffredinol o fewn 12 mis i gael y driniaeth neu o fewn 12 mis i ddod yn ymwybodol o’r broblem, drwy ffonio 020 8253 0800 neu fynd i

Os ydych yn teimlo nad yw’r practis yn bodloni ei ddyletswyddau o ran yr iaith Gymraeg, gallwch fynegi eich pryder wrth Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg drwy ffonio 0845 6033 221 neu fynd i

Os hoffech gael cefnogaeth neu gyngor am eich cwyn am y GIG, mae posib cysylltu â’r Tim Llais lleol drwy ffonio 01639 683490. Os ydych dal yn anfodlon gyda’ch cwyn am y GIG, gallwch gysylltu ag Ombwdsmon Cymru drwy ffonio 0300 790 0203 neu fynd i Hefyd mae posib cysylltu ag Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru, sef arolygiaeth a rheoleiddiwr annibynnol ar yr holl ofal iechyd yng Nghymru, drwy ffonio 0300 062 8163. 

Gallwch hefyd ysgrifennu atynt: Arolygiaeth Gofal lechyd Cymru Llywodraeth Cymru

Parc Busnes Rhyd-y-car Merthyr Tudful CF48 1UZ

Mae’r Cyngor Deintyddol Cyffredinol yn gyfrifol am reoleiddio pob gweithiwr deintyddol proffesiynol. Cewch gwyno gan ddefnyddio eu ffurflen ar-lein yn , drwy gysylltu â nhw ar neu drwy ffonio 020 7167 6000.

 Sept 24

Refund Policy

  • It is the Policy of The Village Dental Practice to consider every case where a refund is requested on an individual basis.

  • Normally the treating dentist to whom the payment was made will consider the case.

  • Where a patient thinks they may be entitled to a refund, we would ask the patient to give the full details (in writing if possible) to our Practice Manager.

  • In some cases it is helpful if proof of payment, or receipts are produced.

  • The information will then get passed on the appropriate dentist for


  • We endeavour to give a response within seven working days where

    physically possible (assuming the dentist is attending the practice during

    this period).

  • Depending on the nature of the request, it would be normal to give an

    initial response verbally (usually over the telephone).

  • If further clarification is requested, a written response will be produced

    (either letter or email).

  • If the patient is still not satisfied with the response, an invitation will be

    made to speak to the dentist involved face to face.

  • This will be made at a time agreeable to the patient.

  • If it is deemed appropriate that a refund should be paid, this will be made

    in a manner agreeable to the patient.

  • If the issue is still not resolved, the patient would be referred to our

    official complaints procedure, containing the relevant phone numbers for

    further advice.

  • Patients should be aware that if they are registered with the practice under our DPAS capitation scheme, it is their sole responsibility to cancel their registration directly with Dpas as soon as they no longer require our services.

  • Non-attendance for whatever reason is a patients responsibility, but as the agreed services have still been kept available during the period of registration, a refund is not normally applicable.

  • We take no responsibility for cancelling a membership with Dpas on a patients behalf – this must be done directly.

  • Recall reminders are purely a courtesy and cannot be guaranteed.

5/2/2018 - last reviewed Sept 24